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W514 The Rockin' People!

Group 1
Li Ying
Yan Keng

Group 2
Sui Jin
Hui Min
Jun Liang
Shi Hui

Group 3
Lee Jie
Kai Xin
Sock Leng

Group 4
Yun Ting
Le Yan
Qian Kang

Group 5
Shu Xian>


Hui Min
Jun Liang
Kai Xin
Lee Jie
Li Ying
Samuel's Blog Shop
Shi Hui
Shu Xian
Sock Leng
Wan Qi
Yun Ting

Cellgroup Vision

A Rock Is Unique.
[We love each other despite our differences]
A Rock Doesn't Move.
[We are dependable & trustworthy]
A Rock Is The Foundation To Greater Things. [We are the building blocks & pioneers of God's work]

Matthew 16:18
"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Zechariah 8:9
"Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Let your hands be strong, You who have been hearing in these days These words by the mouth of the prophets, Who spoke in the day the foundation was laid For the house of the Lord of hosts, That the temple might be built."

Cg Occupations!

Accountant: Jodie & Sui Jin
Bloggers: Corrina & Veronica
Birthday Coordinators: Yun Ting, Johnny & James
Card Makers: Kai Xin, Shi Hui & Shu Xian
Sermon Updates: Benjamin & Ader
Events: Leon, Yan Keng & David
Greeters: Jaren & Jaslyn
Hello Good Morning: Le Yan & Sock Leng
Photographers: Lee Jie & Hui Min
Songsheet: Serene, Samuel & Qian Kang
Welfare: Ivan, Jun Liang & Li Ying

Upcoming Birthdays

Le Yan - 16 May
Samuel - 28 May
Wan Qi - 10 June
Lee Jie - 17 June
Jaren - 24 June
Yan Keng - 27 June

Communication is Key


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
December 2010
January 2011

Sunday, June 28, 2009

W514, the rock cell group :D
Let's keep on rocking guys!
School is reopening tomorrow! And yes, most of us will draaaaaggg ourselves to school. Well, how do i know? Becuase i do that too! Alright anyway, like what Pastor Tan said on Saturday, let's E1R1 okay! Each 1 Reach 1! Let's go the extra mile and reach out to our fellow friends for this weekend's decentralised service! Also, do pray and fast about great this evangilistic service! Have a great week ahead, earthlings!
With ♥,
Kai Xin :D

W514 at 7:37 PM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hi guys!

Hope that you like the change in our main picture. Feel that this suits our rockin cg way better, dont u think? :]

Chanced upon this article a while ago. Hope it'll encourage all of us to keep overcoming.

Though sometimes things might seem difficult and people may say negative things, remember that the underdogs RULE!! and our God reigns. ;]


"3. Albert Einstein’s age, when he still wasn’t talking.

Even when he finally did, he uttered his words twice. When he started school, he still had speech difficulty until the age of nine.

Born in a German city called Ulm, his mother believed Einstein was a freak because his head seemed to be too big for his body.

Einstein  a freak? Her worry had some basis because Einstein actually suffered from a medical condition called “Benign Macrocephaly”, a disorder that could lead to mental retardation.

One of the most recognized and well-known scientists of the century, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on photoelectric effect titled: “On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”.

Upon his death, his brain was preserved and studied.

A 1999 study done by Mcmaster University found that his brain did not have it’s parietal operculum region, a part of the brain needed for speech, reading or writing.

To compensate for that, his brain adapted by enlarging his parietal lobe by 15% wider. This part of the brain is responsible in giving him superior mathematical thought, visuospatial cognition, and imagery of movement.

The study also found that Einstein’s brain had 73% more glial cells ( special cells that provide support and nutrition to the brain) than normal brains."

"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;"

- 1 Cor 1:27

Keep Rockin On W514. U're dearly loved.

- Jo ^^

Credits: http://www.my-inspirational-quotes.com/inspirational-stories/inspiration-in-numbers/albert-einstein-was-a-freak/

W514 at 1:57 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hi james here! To do CPR on this semi dead, but NOT DEAD YET blog =P. So here are some pictures from the East Coast Park outing/Birthday celebration for Lee Jie.The cycling was intense,not so much so interms of stamina but interms of all the sunburns we got after that . But nevertheless it was an exhilerating experience cycling with W514.The coolest part was when we cycled to the middle of nowhere to celebrate Lee Jie's birthday. I think we were done with cycling at 5:30pm? We then fellowshipped and that was pretty much how the outing went. Cycling is an activity that you cant really comment much about =P you've gotta be there to soak in the fun. So till next time, if any of you are interested just let our members know and you're free to join us =D


W514 at 12:38 PM